
Day nine and we are doing fine. This rhyme is sublime. Print

Food Handling Course

It's day 9 here at Snowy River Campus and we are all really enjoying our time here. We have settled in here at Snowy very well. We have been learning a lot in our classes and we are already gaining great skills.

We started the day off by learning about food and completing Food Handling Course Cert 1. It was not one of the best classes we have received at the SnowyRriver Campus but it was very informative and satisfying. The course took 2 hours and we were relieved when we were able to stretch our legs. We had a wacky hand washing test with magic dirt and a U.V. light.

In the afternoon we had orienteering which was a blast. The cow tracks were filled with water and at the end of the race our shoes were caked in mud. We averaged 25 minutes per activity, the best was under 10 minutes.

We had a guest speaker come in who was a triathlete his name was Dave Whyte. Dave had a very inspirational, interesting story! At the age of 14 he had the dream of becoming a triathlete and at the age of 47 he finally achieved his goal, competing in two Ironmans.

Demmi & Tim