
Abbey's Day - On Campus Print

Today, group 1 got to stay inside with Mr Pfanner and do an activity called Thinking and Learning whilst group 2 were out doing bridge building. In our class we started off by talking and learning about diversity. So the main thing we talked about that was to do with diversity, knowing that everyone is not the same and that there is always a place for someone whether they think there is or not. Starting the conversation not many people actually understood what it really meant but after talking about it I think we all really understood what it means and hopefully use it in the future.

Abbey's Day

After talking about that we discussed how parts of the brain work. We talked about how the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. Continuing on that pathway we talked about how the left side and right side compare and how the frontal lobe and back lobe compare to each other. We were then given 5 cards in different colours that had a describing word and what it meant. We were then asked to put them in order of most like us and least like us. Once we did that we all had to get up and switch around and find 5 cards that most represented us and put them in order again. From that we got to go through the rest of the cards on a table and pick the best 3 that represented us where it was put on a board with the rest of the group’s cards. We were then given a sheet with about 90 sentences that could describe us and we were ONLY allowed to pick 24 of them. Once done, we had to cut the paper into 4 equal squares which was then related to a test called Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) where there were 4 different colours to represent different aspects. Blue was rational self, yellow was experimental self, green was safekeeping self and red was feeling self. My dominant quadrant was red which I was not really surprised about because I am an emotional person.     

Abbey - Frankston HS