
Tessa and Taylor Share Their Time So Far Print

Our names are Tessa and Taylor. We are from Swan Hill College and Warragul Regional College.

Despite the rain and the cold weather, the Snowy River crew still went bridge building and bike riding. Everybody was filled with determination and completed the classes at the best of their ability. Those who didn’t have outdoor classes stayed inside, warm and rugged up, and had classes on their personality and values. It was extremely interesting to discover how we learn and what we value and believe in most. Being Thankful Thursday we wrote about what we were thankful for. For example, most people were thankful for the effort their parents put in to getting them here and others wrote about their joy over the milo refill.

Tessa and Taylor Share their Experiences So Far

We are close to the end of our second week on this amazing trip and we have enjoyed every moment of it so far. It is hard to believe that in just 2 days, we will be off to China surrounded by a brand new country, new cultures and interesting new foods. We have really enjoyed our time at the Snowy River campus and in just two weeks it has become our new home, and everybody here is our new family. We have all come from different places and have all come together to support one another in this amazing journey. We are looking forward to getting to know everybody even more and cannot wait to explore the marvellous country of China.

-By Tessa Myers and Taylor Van Hamond