
Unrelenting Walls Print
Unrelenting Walls

1a ran as fast as they could but their limbs were light and stiff. They found it hard to move in the slightest and the constant walls moving through them, pushing them back and every so often they would flail around but to no avail. They were thrown back to the start to get all the way back there was no finish that I could see. They would only move forward a few meters then get thrown back ruthlessly by the unrelenting walls. But there was something wrong, they were smiling as the walls exploding around them. I must have hit every wall there was no end to them. The walls kept forming around them but only in front of them. An unrelenting force of transparent walls, they finally gave up with shards of the walls falling off them. I still don’t understand what they were doing even after they announced the name of this supposed sport; they said "it's called surfing"!  

Warrick- Portland SC