
Halloween Night Print

Halloween Night

On the first of November the cooking committee organised a Halloween dinner. It took a lot of planning and a lot of effort from everyone. We had to plan the menu and we had to organise who was doing what for the night. Laura and I were on desserts so we made mud cake muffins and we decorated them with different coloured icings. They looked really sweet, which they were, but they tasted really good!

The common room was set up with the tables in two longs rows. Also instead of going up to get our own food we had waiters and waitresses. It was really cool and it gave the night a really awesome vibe. After dinner 1A had to run a student LED night. We had very short notice, but considering it was Halloween night we decided to do a variety of fun games. We started off with musical chairs then the mummy race, fear factor, limbo then we finished with bust a move. It was so much fun and it was good to be able to dress up. For the last 10 minutes we had free dance which was also really funny! Some people have some pretty unique dance moves…!

The cooking committee did very well at organising the night and it was definitely worth it!!

Stacey’s Blog- Portland SC