
Classes of Fun - Student Leaders Eddie and Aidan Print

Yesterday Eddie and I were the student leaders for The Snowy River Campus.

The best activity that we did yesterday was the half day bike ride. We went all around Marlo except for the main street. Our other activity was CPR it was fun because we got to muck around with manikins that only have half a body. We had to blow air into their mouths for the CPR challenge.

Yesterday for evening class we had a Water Filter Activity. Our task was to build a water filter with the supplies from the shop and clean and filter the dirty water. But there was a twist! There were six countries you could be: Australia, New Zealand, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Ethiopia. Depending on which country you came from would affect how much money you got, how readable the instructions were and how much particular items cost. We (Eddie and I) were both put in Australia which put us at the advantage because we were given $1000 and readable instructions. Although the items cost more for us we still managed our costs well because we had a lot of it. Our water filter went ok but I believe we could have completed the task a little bit better if we had communicated better, slowed down for a minute and thought a little bit more about the task. Overall it was a fun activity that was easy to get involved in.

Eddie - Mt Clear and Aidan - Koo Wee Rup