
A Big Rush - Jaymie-Lee Print

Well... for my first blog, I have so much I want to talk about but that would take a bit so...

My highlight for the last week would probably be surfing. It was our second lesson and it was AMAZING. The waves were massive and we just caught wave after wave. When you caught one an even bigger one would come crashing down and you would be like “Arghh I should have waited”. But with the rush going through us we couldn’t possibly wait. I caught a few waves and managed to stand up but I have a bit more practise to do. The funniest moment was probably when I was about to stand up and then Mitchell came next to me and our boards collided. I had a good laugh about this. Also another funny moment was when Cassie nose-dived.

A Big Rush - Jaymie-lee

It was great and I can’t wait for our third lesson so we can go surfing on rest days.

By Jaymie-lee - Kaniva Secondary College