
LLP Prep and Basket Making Fun Print
Rebekah and Ashleigh

Rebekah: I was student leader yesterday for the first time. We got to meet with the other students leaders from the other campuses. I thought that was really fun. In the morning I had LLP and we were preparing for Marlo primary school visit. In the afternoon, I went on the indigenous walk. I thought it was very interesting to learn more about the indigenous culture. They showed us how to make baskets and spears. Being a student leader is a challenging job.

Ashleigh: Yesterday was a fun day because in the afternoon Mardi-Lee and I made paper maché turtles for our LLP and we got to chill in the shed while listening to music. In the morning core 2 had the Indigenous Walk and it was interesting to learn about their culture and we even got to make baskets which was pretty cool. It was my second time being student leader and I found it easier this time because I actually knew what I was doing.

Rebekah- Bright P-12 and Ashleigh- Wanganui Park