
Learning CPR Print

Today and last Thursday, Core 1 boys and Core 2 girls had an Intro to CPR. This involved learning what to do in a situation where someone is unconscious, struggling to breathe, choking, not breathing at all and how to help someone who’s suspected of drowning. We went through this checklist of components on CPR which abbreviated to DRSABCD. (Danger, Response, Send for help, Airways, Breathing, CPR, and Defibrillation). We performed these actions on CPR dolls and went through some methods on what to do if the doll was a real person and was choking, unconscious or had been suspected of being drowned.

We are being assessed on this for an exam within the week and if we pass the exam, we get a certificate for First Aid. This is really helpful for the future in case someone is put into a situation where they are in potential danger of dying and we could help save them. This will also allow us to apply this to our resume for applications that will open a wide range of opportunities and more jobs in the future. Both of us have learnt a lot from this experience and will use it in the future.  

Liam-Red Cliffs and Lexa- Taylors Lakes