
CLP Presentations Day Print

The day started with the entire community cleaning the building and the grounds. After morning tea, our school representatives started to arrive and we showed them around the place and the work that we have completed during our time here. When it came to lunch time we opened the day with a speech about SRC and our CLP’s. Everyone enjoyed lunch as they got the chance to catch up with their home school liaison teachers.

After lunch, we got the room set up and had a HDTV link up with the other two campuses. The first MC’s (Millie and Maddi) ran the first half of the presentations and kicked it off by introducing Box Hill HS for the first presentation. It eventually went: Box Hill, Bright P-12, Brentwood, Shepparton, and Hume Central. After the MC’s were changed to Danigan and Chris, they conducted the second half of the presentations. It then went: Emerald, Mansfield, Mt Beauty and then finally Upper Yarra.

Everyone enjoyed the presentations and successfully presented their CLP. The day concluded with every school called up one at a time and pledged to their liaison teachers that they will complete their CLP. Jamie then concluded with a nice speech. After the presentations, the guests stayed and enjoyed a nice afternoon tea and a chat with their students. The day was very successful and everyone enjoyed themselves.

By Mia K, Brentwood SC and Tom B, Upper Yarra SC