
1A's Night Class Print

Last night 1A had the task of running night class.

After a few meetings they all agreed on having a games night with a colourful theme dress up. The games they had running were, Chinese whispers, wink murder, bust-a-move, charades, celebrity heads and minute to win it mini games.  Everyone all had a really fun night and all of 1A are really happy with how the night turned out. We all really enjoyed bust-a-move and even decided to stay after class to keep playing.  I think that 1a instructed us well and were really controlling in their teaching.  I think that everyone had a really good time and no one had a reason to sit out. The teachers seemed to be happy not teaching us and were happy to just be sitting watching us have lots of good fun.

Tonight 1B are having their go at running evening class can’t wait.

By Mia, Brentwood SC & Michael, Shepparton HS