
GPS Challenge Print
Written by Melissa, Snowy River Campus Term 3 2013   

Another day passes here at Snowy River. Just as fast as the rest of the days but what a day it’s been. After Core 1 and 2A departing the campus 2B were left with the whole campus to themselves. Seeing as though the weather was another one of those fine sunny spring days we went up to the basketball court to start our class on GPS navigation. Racing through the bush, facing the heat, battling the mosquitos and competing against the other teams it was a race using our GPS to collect all the codes before anyone else. It was neck and neck until card 5 which was sneakily hidden under the bench. Pushing on we raced on through the cards to reach card 9 which was already being written down by another team. It was even and the last thing to do was to run, a dead race to the finish line or more like the picnic table but that didn’t bother us as we fought against the wind while running to the table….and then we crossed the line and the race was over had we done it…YES! We had come in 2nd place completing the GPS challenge in an incredible time that was not recorded.

The fun, the joy and smiles were shared all round and the competitors despite the odds life to see another day at Snowy River Campus!

Melissa – Alexandra SC