
Duncan and Alyssa - Student Leaders Print
Written by Alyssa, Snowy River Campus Student, Term2B 2013   

On Monday the 16th June, Duncan and I were student leaders. This consisted of writing out personal goals, community goals, a video link up with two other schools and running head count.

Yesterday’s classes for 1B were CLP and personal prep. CLP was a really good chance to finish out master plan for Kyneton Secondary College’s Community Learning Project. I took my turn in leading the group today because I was in charge of filling out the planning document for the lesson. I feel like everyone got heaps of work done and we finally fished our master plan. Personal Prep was a good chance to catch up on anything that needed finishing. Our passports and CLP project were priority but this is also a good time to clean your room and do some washing. Some of the girls and I crammed into one room and had a pass port decorating session. I got a few cover pages done and I also made a start on criteria 4, “Learning” which is one of the pieces of work that goes into our pass ports. As for Duncan and my community goal, we decided that more responsibility needed to be taken for personal gear. Everyone did really well and many stray items of clothing have been claimed.

I really enjoyed student leader and I think that it is a good chance for the students to take responsibility and leadership of their community.

Alyssa, Kyneton Secondary College