
Gender Night Print
Written by Bree, Snowy River Campus Student, Term 2a 2013   

Hi, I’m Bree and I’m from SRC. A couple of nights ago we had ‘Gender night’. The boys went down to the campfire and the girls stayed in the common room. We sat in a circle on the ground with a bunch of fake, electric candles in the shape of a love heart in the middle. It was great. Trust me. There was a common question between all of the girls and we each took turns in answering it around the circle. Some of the questions were “What’s your most prized possession?”, “What do you like most about our body?” and “If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?”. This Gender night really helped all of the girls connect with each other on more of an emotional level as well as a social basis through sharing stories and secrets. There were more than a few tears and quite a lot of laughs. What was so good about the circle was that sense of connection you had with the girl next to you or the girl across the circle. It has certainly improved our sense of community in the girl’s wing and made it even better than it was before. Thank you Gender night.

Bree- Mortlake SC