
Bo's Surfing Adventure Print

I am doing my blog about my surf on Friday. It was very fun, I got up on my board several times. It was so funny to watch Josh falling off of his board but he finally got up on his board. It was a great day for surfing as well I think we all got up on to our boards at some point of the day. I had lots of fun and at one point Josh, Connor and I got the same wave and we all went under. It was fun because I did a flip under water and stood back up on my feet. I went under lots of times, I was funny. Some people got very good waves and it was cool to see them trying to get up. That was the first time in ages since I got up on a board it brought back so many good memories from when I was in grade 5. It was the best time ever for this term so far. I hope to have lots more fun like that on at this campus and at home when we all go to our own homes again.

Boanne - Colac SC