
Day 20 at Snowy Print

On Friday core two had Thinking and Learning 2 for the AM class and for the PM class we had Evidence. In Thinking and Learning we learnt more about how all of us think and how we all think in different ways and that it is actually helpful to have a lot of different people that think differently on a team. Some of us focus on emotion where as others focus on facts and knowledge. For example I think mostly in the blue quadrant which means I think more about facts, numbers and knowledge but I don’t think very red which is emotion. In Evidence we learnt that pretty much everything in life needs evidence to back it up. We learnt that you can’t really go on in life by a hunch, you need to have something to back up what you say. This goes with all factors of life really from just a conversation all the way to proving a case in court. I found both of these classes really good because I got to learn more about myself and others which is one of the really cool parts of this school.

And that was day 20 at the Snowy River Campus.

Indiana-Colac SC