
Tom's Blog Report from June 6 - No Power a Highlight! Print
Tom and Adele's expo group

Hi I’m Tom and I’m the student leader for today. This time I was with Adele and our personal goal was to help organise our classes. We were going to do that by informing the rest of our expo group what to bring to class and to basically run the whole class. We didn’t quite achieve this, but I still managed to have fun trying to complete my goal.

Our community goal was to get everybody to clean our rooms and to get our wet expo gear to dry. Adele and I achieved it because everybody put their Gortex and overpants in front of the fire to dry on the clothes racks.

I really enjoyed having the power off because everybody was being social and doing things, that’s why it was my highlight of my past 24 hours.

From Tom P.