
Jack - Last Student Leader Print

Quote of the day

"If one day the speed kills me, don't cry because I was smiling." ~ Paul Walker

This is one of the last days that we will ever have at Snowy River and it was also the day I was student leader for the last time. I felt that I definitely improved on my skills from the time that I was first student leader especially with my listening viewing and responding. At 7:30 Jordan and I went to the morning meeting where we discussed with Mr. Pfanner our global issue and also the community goal. As for our global issue we talked about extreme heat rises in some parts of the arctic which went up by an average of 16 degrees. What we thought this meant to the community was that global warming is becoming a real problem and it’s affecting the indigenous people, the land, and also all of the wildlife which require a specific habitat to live in. We also talked about our community goal, we decide that we wanted to do something fun and enjoyable which got everyone involved. We intertwined games with the community walk that we do every Wednesday. After we wrote in the rest of the student leader sheet we did a video conference with the Gnurad-Gundidj campus and Alpine Campus (the other two School for Student Leadership campuses). We listened to the other two groups presentations and then we presented our own. I believe that we did really well with our speech as we spoke clearly and we kept great eye contact to our audience.  

A.M. Class

For our A.M class we had first aid scenarios which was ran by Mrs. Francis and she told us about what we would be doing which was acting out first aid scenes where one group was the injured and the other group was to respond to them our group started off as the people who were responding to the situation. As we walked down we saw that there was a car accident and there were many people with various different types of injury's such as spinal, head, lacerations, amputation etc. After the group had all been treated we swapped roles and the other group got ready to be the responders. We got ready to be the injured. My role was to have my whole body burnt and also a spinal injury as our scenario was an exploding gas tank.

After we finished this activity and packed everything away​ I went and washed all of the fake blood off my body.

P.M. ​​Class

In our P.M. class we had personal prep where we worked to catch up on  anything that we had been falling behind on so I worked on my Passport and Weebly. I got a lot done during this lesson as I stayed focused during the whole lesson. Once I completed my top priorities which was passport I started doing washing as the teachers said we needed to start washing all of our gear. Today was also the day that I started packing because this is our fourth last day which is sad but I have enjoyed every bit of it and every challenge that has been thrown at me.

Jack - Last Student Leader

Yesterday’s Evening Class​​

​Last night’s even class was great for everyone. We had gender night where we split off into groups of males and females. At the start of the lesson we were shown a video which discussed troubles that males face every day such as being told to be a real man. After the video had finished we all discussed whether any of the topics in the video applied to us and we all agreed that there is no definition of a real man and that we are who we are no matter what anyone else says.

Community Walk

Today for the community walk we decided to do a lot of games for the community to have fun playing. we chose Poison Ball, Caterpillar, Tug of War​​ and basketball knockout. I think everyone had fun and I believe that Jordan and I did a great job of explaining the games to everyone. But there were a few mistakes such as when we were playing tug of war, the rope accidentally snapped and caused everyone to tumble to the ground and even after that the second rope snapped as well.

WWW.Now What?

The activity was first aid scenarios where we portrayed both the injured and the first aiders. I learnt how to treat multiple different injuries and we also learnt about priorities when it comes to first aid situation and we were taught that it is always yourself, then everyone around you and then the patient. I felt really good after the activity as it was both educational and fun. I can apply this learning in the future to any first aid situation that I come across. ​​​ 

By Jack, Snowy River Campus Student