
Shae's Day Print

Quote of the day:

"When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘Happy’ they told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life." ~ John Lennon


Today was a great day, my group 1b had first aid. I love first aid because it teaches you so many things that you will always need in life. I Learnt a lot in this class and I’m going to remember it for life. We went through a lot of things for example:

  • Burns (How to treat a burn, what not to do when treating a burn so don’t put ice on the burn because It will put the victim into shock.)
  • How to put on bandages (Arm sling)
  • Bleeding (how to treat all different kinds of bleeding)

At Idearr tonight we sat our first aid exam, I hope I did really good. It felt like I did good because I concentrated in the class and I went over things before the exam.

Pm Class: CLP 5 (community learning project)

This class was really good because my group worked really well together. We finished a lot of things that we would never thought we would have finished. My CLP group (school group) is doing the topic on homelessness so it’s really good to see we all have a passion in this topic and were all working as a team and getting it done with no conflict.

By Shae- Elisabeth Murdoch College