
Olivia's Day of Fun Stuff Print

“the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world”

Today I started my day with a student leader meeting where I had to link-up with the other SSL schools. I introduced myself, said a few fun facts about myself and told them what my personal goal was. My personal goals were presenting and strategies to achieve that are making eye contact when talking to the group, use good body language and project my voice when I’m speaking. After the meeting with the other schools, Anais and myself had to get up in front of everyone and tell them what my goal and fun facts were, what the weather was like, who was on duty and who the local heroes were etc.

Morning class:
this morning we had intro to LLP (local learning project) this is where year 6 students from a schools nearby come over and spend the day with us. We each got into groups and choose what we were going to do with the younger kids in our 30 minutes we had to teach them. Rohan, Jacqui, Jordan and myself decided to take them on a mini expo with team building and life skills games as well. After morning tea, we dedicated each person a role to achieve by next lesson so we are on track and get what we want done in the short amount of time we have until they come and visit.

Afternoon class:
this was one of the most enjoyable and exciting things we did, my expo group went surfing at Cape Conran beach. We went and put on a wetsuit and luckily the trailer was already loaded with our surf boards. We met our 2 instructors at the beach where they taught us 2 methods on how to stand up and then we were off onto the water. I stood up a fair few times and accidently crashed into 2 people. Mel and myself were catching the waves together, wed always have a laugh when either her or I would accidently face plant off our boards. The waves were really nice and perfect for surfing. I’m really looking forward to our other surfing lesson straight away in the morning!

Olivia's Day of Fun - Afternoon Class

Thankful Thursday
3 good things that have happened

  1. Standing up on my surf board.
  2. Receiving letters from family/friends.
  3. We team came up with a really good idea to present to the year 6’s when they come.
3 things I’m thankful for:
  1. The instructors for taking us for surfing today.
  2. For all the feedback I get given at SSL.
  3. Everyone in the community who is encouraging and supportive.