
Jordan's Day Print

The Quote of the Day

"It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live cautiously that you might as well have not lived at all - in which case you fail by default."

AM Class:

Today for my AM class we had Thinking and Learning 2. We then split up in our school groups to find out our HBDI profile (which stands for Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument) for the group. It turns out that our group is dominant in the ‘feelings’ quadrant for some reason and weakest was ‘safekeeping’ which I'm not sure if that is good or not. So once we did that in our table groups we had to figure out a puzzle sheet and write the answers in our books and after that when we were done we shared them with the group. It was out of 21 and I think the table got 19 or somewhere around there which was pretty good. I think we got the best in the whole class and we finished early so the teacher gave us another one and we almost finished it but the class finished before we did but it was all good.

PM Class:

For our PM class we had beliefs and values which was an interesting class. We first started the class with a video to show us what beliefs and values were for the ones that didn't know. It was good, there were some funny photos. After that the teacher got us to put on some special sun glasses and the point of that was to show and tell us that everyone in the world has their own say and sees the world differently to everyone else which I think that was good point maker. We then watched another video about Steve Jobs life and what he had to go through to get to where he is now and it was good for all of us. When that finished we had to do a survey of 120 questions on our computers. This told us a bit about who we are as a person and told us a bit about ourselves we might not have known and that was my day summed up.  

By Jordan- Mortlake P-12