
Day 16 - Motivation Monday Print

Day 16 - Evelyn's Journal Entry - Monday 15th February 2015

Quote of the Day

"It’s impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well have not lived at all- in which case you fail by default."
~ J.K Rowling

Motivation Monday

ABILITY ​​​- is what you capable of doing
MOTIVATION- determines what you do
ATTITDUE- ​​determines how well you do it

Everything I do at this school I want to remember when I leave. I want to make decisions that my future self will thank me for. I have been staying positive all week and I will continue to do so throughout this week. My proudest moment would be that my design was voted for the front cover of the t-shirt. This made me feel really good. I was glad that almost everyone liked it and voted for it. It felt amazing. I think what made me feel better is that I put so much effort into it as well and did my very best to make sure that each icon represented someone, someway.

This week has a good start because I am motivated to finish expo and come back delighted ​and pleased to of gone way out of my comfort zone. I’ll be full of pride to tell my mum that we completed one expo.

Evelyn's Blog - Motivation Monday

Today’s Classes Am/Pm

​Today we did the same thing for both classes because we need to be ready to leave at 9 am tomorrow for expo. This day was to prep us for expo. We went through everything we needed and everything we didn't need. I got rid of a lot of things which made my pack much lighter. I was kind of worried that it would be too heavy. I'm not stressing as much now because I know it’s something I can overcome easily. No pain, No gain. I have never been camping in Australia in the bush, only glamping. This is going to be a Marvelous experience. Hopefully I will see lots of animals.  We set ourselves some goals. My goals are to work on my community engagement. We also set a group goal to become a better team using G.I.R.L.S.

G-getting to know each other
I- independence
R- respect
L- leadership
S- socializing

Today we also started to pack food for tomorrow and Wednesday. We went over who was carrying what. I realized that we use so much food just even for a small amount of us. Tomorrow we will just need to get the things from the fridge and our snacks. A positive of this class was mixing up tent partners so that we can mingle! A minus of the class is that I didn't get the main roles I wanted for expo but oh well. I will try to be one of them next time. An interesting thing about the class was the order we pack our gear in the bag. ​​​​​

By Evelyn - Bellarine SC