
Rory Report - Caving Print

Today 2B and 2A drove to Buchan caves to go have a look and be introduced to some caving. We got to the main camping area and there was a fresh water pool that had the water from the underground cave running through it and had a rough temperature of thirteen degrees Celsius, so as you could imagine on a thirty two degree day we all gladly dunked our heads in the fresh cool water. We got split up into two different groups, my group went to the wild caves first and I was very happy to get under ground where it was an average of twenty degrees. We all saw the first entry hole and most thought no way I’m not doing that, we all fit through that easily and then we got onto the first really tight squeeze which was the famous “letter box”. The letter box is a shoot like thing where you “post” yourself down, to post yourself you hop in the thirty five cm gap and slide down head first down the slippery rock we thought that was tight but it was heaps of fun. In the Royal cave there are some amazing sights, not just the stalagmites and stalactites but little pools of completely flat water and it was just awesome.

Buchan Caves - Caving with Rory

What I liked the most was when our guide talked about the people who discovered it; they found a giant kangaroo skeleton which fell down through a crevasse and had sat there untouched for eighteen thousand years. This kangaroo sat about three metres tall and were meat eaters, you could still see remnants of the bones in the muddy wall I found that just awesome.

Rory - Sandringham College