
Adventures So Far Print

My name is Jack and I am from Maffra Secondary College and I have been here at SRC for 2 weeks, but to me it feels like 2 days.

Time flies when you are here and so much happens, already I have learnt so much. Already 2b, Maffra and Sandringham, have completed Bridge Building which was a lot of fun but took lots of time and thought to get to our goals but that was good. We have also had Expo Skills which is preparing us for the many hikes to come. For another we had canoeing which was one of my personal favourites because we got to go down Christmas Creek which was AMAZING. We have also completed our intro to bikes which involves learning how to ride the bikes appropriately and safely which was good because now everyone has access to the bike.

We have also had small things happen along the way such as getting our laptops, starting our passports and we have also made a great start on our CLP’s. This is only the beginning to the great journey we are all going to take part in.

By Jack, Maffra Secondary College

Adventure So Far