
An account of our first Rest Day Print
First Rest Day - Fishing

Today it was our first Rest Day and Georgia and I were student leaders for the day.

Rest days are a good chance to take the day of and do what you want to do, some of us spent the day on campus, others went to the beach and others went fishing. I went fishing at the Marlo pier in the morning, we spent the day casting out the lines and catching a bountiful amount of seaweed. Even though we caught no fish we still saw a seal and it was a good chance to spend the day with friends and cast a line, sit back and enjoy the day.

I look forward to the next rest days we have so we can get the opportunity to do other things, so far we’ve had ideas about going snorkelling, mountain biking, walking and just hanging out here at SRC but what we do really decides on what we feel like because any idea we want to do we have to forward the idea ourselves.

First Rest Day

Tiger - Kew SC and Georgia - Oberon HS