2B’s Surfing Print
Tuesday, 02 March 2010 10:07

2BOn Sunday 2b which is the schools Rosebud and Bairnsdale, went down to Cape Conran for a surf.

But before we could surf we had to go through a demo on how to surf by two guys called Phil and Pete. After the demo we went out into the beach and into the waves. The first few steps into the waves the water was freezing but after a while you get used to it. At first Phil and Pete told us to catch a wave in but arch your back and ride it in a bit to get used to the board and find our balance. After ten minutes of doing that they called in to the beach and showed us ways to get to your feet easily. After a few attempts at it on sand we were ready to hit the water. The first wave rolled in and a few people rode it in. The next one came a few more people tried, a few more rode it in and gradually everyone was starting to find their feet, stand and ride in the waves.

After a couple of hours we were told we had to climb the hill, get changed into dry clothes and come back to school. When we got back to school we had to un-load the trailer, hang up the wet suits and helmets and sweep out the bus. Overall it was quite a fun trip to the beach.

Sam,  Bairnsdale SC